
August 26, 2015

Detailed Photos of AMD Radeon R9 Nano Surface (Confirmed)

New detailed photos of the upcoming Radeon R9 Nano have surfaced, and Ryan has confirmed with AMD that these are in fact real.

We've seen the outside of the card before, but for the first time we are provided a detailed look under the hood.

The cooler is quite compact and has copper heatpipes for both core and VRM
The R9 Fury is a very small card and it will be powered with a single 8-pin power connector directed toward the back.
Connectivity is provided via three DisplayPort outputs and a single HDMI port
And fans of backplates will need to seek 3rd-party offerings as it looks like this will have a bare PCB around back.
Connectivity is provided via three DisplayPort outputs and a single HDMI port
And fans of backplates will need to seek 3rd-party offerings as it looks like this will have a bare PCB around back.

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